永利皇宮 Wynn Palace︱消失中的粵菜滋味 The Lost Flavors of Cantonese Cuisine

永利皇宮 Wynn Palace

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Rediscovering the Lost Flavors of Cantonese Cuisine


#亞洲50最佳餐廳 #永利宮 即將舉行一場千載難逢的如意宴,由行政總廚譚國鋒主理,在美食作家謝嫣薇的著作《消失中的味道》中,挑選出六道粵菜名饌,取其理念與精粹,以現代手法呈現。再配上法國百年瓷器品牌 LEGLE France麗固中專為中菜而設的「如意」系列,把菜餚完美展示,向經典粵菜致敬,將消失的味道重現。

Don’t miss this rare opportunity to rediscover the lost flavors of Cantonese cuisine!

One of #Asias50BestRestaurants, #WingLeiPalace is going to hold RUYI Gastronomy Experience, a once-in-a-lifetime event featuring 6 near-extinct Cantonese culinary classics selected by our Executive Chef Tam Kwok Fung and recorded in renowned food writer Agnes Chee’s book “Vanishing Flavors of Cantonese Cuisine”. Chef Tam will present these dishes using the century-old France brand Legle’s 2013 RUYI tableware collection, specially designed to display the beauty of traditional Chinese dishes.

#永利皇宮 #WynnPalace

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